Plasticity in Neural Networks
Using functional imaging (with cellular resolution) we identified the individual neurons that store short and long-term associative memories (Curr Biology 2019, eLife 2023). Interestingly, such associative memories are epigenetically passed on to the the progeny (Nat Comm 2023). We now study the mechanisms by which memories are transmitted to the next generations.
Whole-brain calcium imaging reveals the individual neruons that store the memory.
Sensory coding and animal navigation
Are there design principles by which animals navigate to locate food sources or mating partners?
We revealed that when animals navigate in chemical gradients, individual sensory neurons compute various derivatives of the gradient, providing an efficient search strategy to reach the target (Nat Comm 2018). Using experiments and modeling, such delicate computations are performed within single neurons (Molecular Systems Biology 2022). Moreover, the intricate dynamics of individual sensory neurons carries important information that allows animals to distinguish between closely related cues (bioRxiv 2024).
Complex mathematical calculations underlie efficient navigation strategies.
Decision making and Rationality
Why do we regularly make irrational decisions? Can we understand the neural mechanisms that lead to such behaviors? Could it be inherently encoded in us?
To address these intriguing questions, we study innate behaviors in C. elegans and analyze if they adhere/violate various behavioral economic paradigms. For example, we revealed the neural mechanisms that lead to irrational behavior (Nat Comm 2019).
Studying behavior using our in-house ML-based multi-animal tracker (BMC Biology 2017).